Keystone Female Services
Licensed Specialized Setting
95 S. Race Street Greenville, PA 16125 Phone: 724-589-5520
Keystone FEmale Services
Keystone Female Services is a 24 bed shelter and residential facility for delinquent and dependent females. Located at 95 S. Race Street, Greenville, PA we provide 24-hour care and supervision for female youth between the ages of 8 and 21. Upon admission, KFS will utilize a variety of treatment modules, focusing on the child’s history and future needs to produce a positive and successful treatment plan. The opportunity for weekly phone calls and visitation from the child’s family is also available.
Jackie Landfried
Program Administrator
Phone: 724-589-5520 ext.167
Jenn Balut
Program Case Manager
Phone: 724-589-5520 ext.168
Victoria McIntosh
Program Case Manager
Phone: 724-589-5520 ext. 169