252 Sharon Road Greenville, PA 16125 Phone: 724-588-5266
Male Transitional Living
MTL is a 20 bed facility directed specifically towards male adolescents between 14 and 21 years of age. The program incorporates a three level system designed to facilitate progression through learning skills. Each level provides the youth the opportunity to experience more freedom and responsibilities while gaining the skills and knowledge to eventually live on their own while entering adulthood. A supported, structured, and disciplined environment will be maintained, while the development of self-esteem, self-discipline, ethical, and mature decision making will be fostered. Additional opportunities exist such as specialized groups and counseling, activities, retreats, employment, budgeting and money management through an established bank account.
Dean Yake
Male TL Program Coordinator
Email: Dean_Yake@keystone.k12.pa.us
Phone: 724-588-5266 ext.181