Evidence Based Program
Jamar Henry
Evidence Based Program Coordinator
Email: jamar_henry@keystone.k12.pa.us
Phone: 724-589-5546 ext. 197
Keystone Adolescent Center, Inc recognizes that youth who require programming may be experiencing emotional, behavioral, social, educational, and psychological issues that should be treated in a comprehensive and safe manner. Left untreated, these youth will continue to experience significant impairment. This ultimately results in an increased risk to reoffend and remain in either the Juvenile Justice System or under the care and supervision of Children and Youth Services for an extended period of time.
When care is deemed necessary, some level of intervention is appropriate. Keystone offers comprehensive, effective, evidence-based programs with fidelity to meet the specific needs of these youth. Evidence-based programs are founded on scientifically sound research and provide tools to measure outcomes on an individual basis. Our evidence-based programs are aimed at promoting positive development and preventing violence, delinquency, substance abuse, along with other problem behaviors in children and adolescents.
We are committed to providing the best services and programming possible. As part of this commitment, our evidence-based programs are rigorously reviewed by The Penn State University EPISCenter’s Standardized Program Evaluation Protocol (SPEP). SPEP measures program fidelity, effectiveness, and implementation. Keystone continues to receive overwhelmingly positive scores regarding our services, which are implemented by highly trained and experienced facilitators.
The following programs utilize the NCTI curriculum, which is recommended by the American Probation and Parole Association, and is referred to as the Keystone STOP Program (Short Term Outreach Program):
· Anger Management
· Drug and Alcohol
· Misdemeanor Offenses
· Truancy
· Shoplifting
· Real Colors
In addition to NCTI curricula, the following evidence based programs are offered:
· Aggression Replacement Training
· Safe Dates
· BOTVIN Life Skills
· Victim and Community Awareness